Application Form for Online Admission 2023-2024

Your Full Name Caste Date of Birth
Your HS or (10+2) Stream Passing Year of 10+2 Person with Disability (40% and above)
Yes No

If you have failed either in Theory or in Practical/ Project, you are not entitled to take up that subject in Graduation Level
Subjects Full Marks Pass Marks Marks Obtained % of Marks Status
Best 4 Total Best 4 %
Select the Streams, Types, Hons/ 1st Sub, Combination accordingly in the Panel below. The Merit Score will be calculated automatically. After getting the confirmation from the system, Click the button below to Add this course as your preferred course. Note that you require to Select at least one General Course compulsorily.
Streams Program/Course Major Minor 1 Minor 2 Merit
Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course 1


Personal Details

Board Name of HS/ 10+2 level 10+2 Roll Number HS/ 10+2 level Registration No.
Gender Ration Card Category Religion
email Mobile Number Nationality

Indian Others
Guardian's Occupation Guardian's Annual Income Guardian's Phone Number
Check this box if Guardian's phone and your phone are the same.
Address for Communication Pin Code State

District Country Aadhaar Card Number
Please Type District Name If State is Not West Bengal
Father Name Mother Name Guardian Name
Father's Qualification Mother's Qualification Mother's Mobile
Father's Occupation Mother's Occupation Father's Mobile
Guardian's Email Relation with Guardian
Interested to join NCC? Economically Weaker Section (EWS) Shiksha Id


If you have entered any erroneous data, you can go back and make fresh application. All the information that you have entered are assumed to be correct. You shall be held responsible for inaccuracy and your application will be rejected if any information is subsequently found to be false.
Accept Decline
Application Closed